Dichiarazione di Accessibilità Web
Infosites.Biz is committed to ensuring that this website is and will be accessible to the widest possible audiences, including those with visual, hearing, motor, and/or cognitive disabilities.
This statement outlines our ongoing approach to making this Infosites.Biz website accessible to everyone.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions about how we can continue to improve the accessibility of our sites.
This Infosites.Biz website, electronic documents, and non-web software such as native mobile applications aspire to meet W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Level AA conformance.
We have completed the implementation of many compliant accessibility features, including defined language in source code, responsive pages that fit a variety of browser windows, non-flickering imagery and screens, multiple ways to access content on each page, and inclusion of contact information on each page.
We are currently working on implementing and/or improving the implementation of a variety of additional compliant accessibility features.
As we continue to improve the accessibility of our websites, we will reflect any changes in this accessibility statement to communicate our progress.
We value your opinions and are always seeking ways to improve and make our websites and applications better.
If you are interested in helping us test for usability and/or accessibility, please contact us.